Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In my studio

I stumbled upon Works for Me Wednesday and since then I have been thinking about sharing this studio organization tip that really, really works for me. It’s a cheap plastic storage draw set turned into palette and painting trolley.

I had a piece of scrap picture framing glass cut to size and I taped it to the top with a sheet of white paper underneath. This gives me a work bench/ palette in one. I mix thick paint on the glass and clean it off at the end of a painting session easily and perfectly with a razor blade in a handle thingy. I mix glazes in the lids from Moccona coffee jars, I don’t bother cleaning these as it would be really fiddley, but for some strange reason I can’t throw them out. So I have a huge collection of little glass jars with different colours inside, perhaps one day I will dream up a use for them!
The top draw of my trolley has my paints sorted into colours inside icecream containers. I have red, yellow and blue each in their own containers. Then white and black in together, all the earthy tones in together and greens and purples together. The next draw down holds all of my painting mediums and the other two have acrylic paints and my silver leafing supplies.
On the whole my studio is a pretty disorganised place, but this little corner has to work well and it does, everything is easily within reach and functional.

I know not many people have an art studio in their homes, but perhaps this tip will spark and idea that makes your special corner work for you.


  1. Love love love the dual use! So handy to be able to have it all within reach!

  2. Organizing makes it so much easier to create.

  3. This is very helpful information regarding the studio. It shares the studio organization tip that really works for me.


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